四月底在吉隆坡雙子星高塔Suria KLCC百貨的紀伊國屋書店裡,看到了以日本雅子妃Princess Masako為名的新書,作者是一位駐東京的澳洲記者Ben Hills。其實這本書一開始吸引我的是以古代禮服盛裝打扮的雅子妃與英文版中央的那朵大粉菊花,這也許是我之前只看過雅子妃老式、樸素的現代裝扮,因而引發一窺究竟的好奇心。除之此外,Hills的內容對日本人來說,其實並無太多新鮮事(根據
「知日部屋: Princess Masako事件簿」所載)。
Princess Masako: Prisoner of the Chrysanthemum Throne From BooklistTrue tragedy or simply a bad marriage decision? That is up to the readers--if they decide to make the effort to slog through this less-than-compelling portrait of Princess Masako. Initially packaged as the "Japanese Princess Di," Masako was an intelligent Western-educated woman who probably should have known better than to consign her life to the stringent imperial dynasty of Japan. Intelligence aside, the lure of the royal life proved to be too much, and Masako gave up her budding diplomatic career to marry Japanese Crown Prince Naruhito. She soon discovered, like Diana before her, that life in a fishbowl can be incredibly deflating. Unsuccessful in her efforts to modernize the monarchy, unable to produce a male heir, and hounded by a relentlessly curious public, she currently suffers from serious bouts of depression and lives the life of a virtual recluse. Unable to secure any interviews with the principals themselves, Hills' effort lacks depth but will nevertheless appeal to inveterate royal watchers.
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